Why I Stopped Calling Myself A “Freelancer”

As you introduce yourself as a freelancer what reaction do you get back? How do you position your freelance business not to come off as a person in between “real” jobs? Freelancers are real business people having to deal with the entire business process. Consider the following as you introduce yourself the next time the opportunity presents itself.


“The words you use influence others’ perception of you. What’s your first thought when you hear the word “freelancer”? Do you picture a college kid working out of her parent’s basement? Many people who call themselves freelancers don’t exactly think of what they do as a business. But they should.

Saying you’re a freelancer doesn’t signal to others that you’re a know-what-you’re-doing, take-no-crap professional.

That bias may be unfair, but it’s a reality. Clients too often see freelance arrangements as low-cost line items rather than strategic partnerships.

Read the rest of this awesome post on FastCompany